Breaking into the Eiffel Tower
Not my own story, but perhaps the favourite I have heard when sharing many stories with fellow travellers. The title says it all!
As much as I wish that it was, this is not my story. Rather, it is a story I was told by some close friends a couple of years ago and has since remained firmly in my memory as perhaps my favourite story that I have been told - from a considerable number I have heard from fellow travellers over the years. With the permission of those to whom the story belongs, I have finally decided to write down and share their tale. I hope to do justice to what is an incredible story, one especially improbable to contemporary minds. I admit that the most fascinating part of this whole story has been revealed in the title already, but hopefully the narrative of how they got there is enough to keep you interested.
I have heard and asked about this adventure multiple times over the years from both of those involved and will do my best to recall it accurately - fortunately exaggeration and dramatization is little required in the telling of such a story.
And so, to Paris, where two young brothers in their early twenties are spending some time on holiday. The brothers are Dutch but both can speak French and are very familiar with the country having spent many a holiday there in their childhoods. Indeed, one of them would go on to marry a French woman with the ceremony taking place in Paris itself.
Unsurprisingly, this story begins in a bar…
After a quantity of wine which I will leave to the imagination – mainly since I do not know myself, but can certainly hazard a guess at – the two brothers were restless for adventure; they head towards the Eiffel Tower long past visiting hours.
Having made the decision to climb the world-famous monument in the early hours of the morning, precautions had to be made. These measures were not so much focused on staying safe, but rather the priority was to minimise the risk of getting caught.
As such, the adventure began with a light smattering of minor vandalism. Approaching the one visible security camera from behind, it was swiftly covered with a loose page of newspaper so no nosey security guards would notice them too quickly.
And so, the climb began. First the outer perimeter fence had to be scaled; no problem.
With the elevator obviously not an option, the stairs would be the only way to get higher. However, the main access point to the staircase was also inaccessible and consequently some improvisation was required. Our protagonists, not to be deterred, quickly found their solution, climbing onto the roof of the restaurant at the base of the tower, from where they could climb into the main staircase.
You may be aware that the Eiffel Tower is not the smallest of structures. Indeed, some would say that it is actually quite tall. Assumedly powered by a combination of adrenaline and alcohol, the brothers made it to the top. Well actually, just below it; with the view point locked off they were forced to sit just beneath the terrace. Not that the view would be much different anyway.
There they sat and admired the panoramic views across Paris. A view and an experience which in that moment – and I would suggest generally – was had uniquely by the two brothers. Having travelled myself a fair bit in the pandemic, I greatly appreciated the significantly lower number of fellow tourists with whom I had to share normally overcrowded attractions. However, to know you are the only two people in that moment to witness one of the most sought after views in the world can only be described as special.
They could not stay forever and, of course, the only way back down was to return down the many stairs they had so recently climbed.
Upon approaching the bottom and civilisation they found that some security had gathered near the base where they had earlier blocked the camera and climbed over. Unfortunately, though, I am not about to write about a police chase through the streets of Paris at dawn. Instead, they simply went to the opposite corner of the base and climbed out there without trouble or consequence.
Upon every telling of this story that I have been told, it has always begun with the same disclaimer; one which I have chosen to leave until the end and perhaps one you could guess at anyway. This story took place pre-2001 and pre-9/11 and the idea of it taking place now would be completely absurd. Security precautions have been taken to a whole other realm and such casual trespassing of a national monument is laughably impossible.
That is perhaps what makes the story so fascinating. An incredible story at the time has been taken beyond the realms of modern day reality, to the point it is hard to imagine that such things were possible a little over twenty years ago. This also means the two brothers not only have an incredible memory, but one they know will remain unique to them.
Written by: Tom Taylor (@tomtayloor)
Posted: 19/09/2022